The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank is committed to providing food to our neighbors facing hunger. The challenges of the past few years launched us in new directions and caused us to respond in ways we never thought possible.
Because of the pandemic, your Foodbank experienced 10 years of innovation in two short years to ensure we were meeting the urgent needs of our community. This was an important moment to pause, reflect and set the stage for our work ahead. So, we engaged in meaningful dialogue with families receiving food, hunger-relief partners, volunteers, donors, community leaders and other nonprofits in the community to collaboratively develop a new strategic plan that moves us closer to our vision of a thriving community free of hunger.
Time and again during these conversations, we heard that the Foodbank not only rose to the challenge during the pandemic, but it surpassed expectations. The foundation is strong. Moving forward, we should strive to DEEPEN OUR IMPACT.

The people we serve are the beating heart of everything we do. They are the reason we exist. Their health, happiness and success drive what we do and how we do it.
Each person the Foodbank serves has a unique set of circumstances. It’s important to us to stay connected with our neighbors to determine the specific food they need, how best to get it to them, and to ensure their experience accessing charitable food is one that maintains their dignity and respect. We will deepen our impact for our neighbors by deepening our relationship with them.

Whether rural or urban, rich in resources or struggling to meet basic needs, we owe every community we serve a consistently high-quality experience.
One of the challenges – and opportunities – the Foodbank faces is that each of its eight counties is unique. Some are densely populated, while others are predominantly rural. There is no “one size fits all” approach. The Foodbank needs to be nimble, flexible and creative to meet the needs of its diverse service area. As we deepen our impact throughout our geographical footprint, the organization must forge deeper collaborations, maximize shared infrastructure, expand community connection points and leverage its scale to better serve its region.

Our work is enabled by the extraordinary generosity of our investors in the form of food, money and time.
The Foodbank is grateful for the individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations who choose to support local hunger relief through contributions of their time, food and financial resources. We are the community’s food bank – they support us persistently, this work and our neighbors facing hunger. We couldn’t do this work if it weren’t for them. The Foodbank vows to never take these investors for granted, but instead strives to deepen our impact with these essential partners.

To accomplish our goals, we must continue to build a best-in-class team of employees who are proud of – and driven by – our mission.
Foodbankers go about their important work with a sense of duty, and everything is done with kindness, respect and professionalism. Through the years, the Foodbank has built an extraordinary team, from senior leadership to the people serving on the front lines. The Foodbank wants its employees to feel they are a part of an organization with a noble mission; but that it’s also a place to build a career and develop skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
To deepen our impact for the community and continue cultivating the Foodbank Family culture, the Foodbank will strive to be a place where people do good, feel rewarded and have fun.

Our physical locations and the manner in which we run them must continue to enable our responsiveness, agility and commitment to innovation.
For more than 40 years, your Foodbank has faithfully served the community. We will continue to deepen our impact by investing in the organization and continuing our legacy of efficient operation and high-quality service. As the Foodbank looks to the future, it must reflect on the organization’s staff structure, physical presence, how it engages employees, and its commitment to evolving with the ever-changing business, economic and environmental climates.