During the height of the pandemic, Jenn remembers getting ready for work, watching the morning news, and being struck by the line of cars wrapped around the Foodbank. The cars were local families who had lost their jobs, had a decrease in work hours, or were worried that COVID-19 would strip supermarket shelves of food and other essentials.
“I stopped everything I was doing and rushed to my computer. I needed to know how I could help right now,” said Jenn.
She became a member of the Foodbank’s Sustainer Circle program, choosing to donate to the Foodbank each month. Giving to the Foodbank is now included in her monthly budgeting.
“There are things I can go without so that I can give the Foodbank more. It doesn’t hurt me to cut back on my cable or a monthly subscription service when I know it means someone else can have a meal,” she said.
Though Jenn didn’t grow up experiencing hunger, it’s a cause she’s passionate about. “Nutrition is fundamental. You can’t do great things if you haven’t eaten. Supporting hunger relief has always been in my heart.”
Jenn has taken her commitment to fight hunger one step further. Working in sales for the past 30 years, she’s contributed to an IRA to help plan for retirement. She’s recently named the Foodbank as the beneficiary of the IRA once she passes away.
“I want to help people today. I want to help people tomorrow. And I want to help people in the future. When I’m gone, I can continue to help feed people.”
Jenn’s future legacy gift of her IRA is being directed to the Foodbank’s endowment which will perpetuate Jenn’s annual generosity.
If you’re interested in making a lasting impact on hunger relief, please visit acrfb.giftlegacy.com or contact Debra Hagarty at 330.535.6900 to learn more.