Samuel, 60, has been a hard worker his entire life. He worked in construction for more than 20 years before retiring. Unfortunately, he only enjoyed one year of retirement before being diagnosed with Lyme disease.  

Samuel’s life changed dramatically since his diagnosis six years ago. He must walk with a cane and has lost dexterity. He’s currently living on a fixed income and doesn’t have access to social security since he is only 60 years old. He doesn’t receive government food benefits, and with increased food prices, purchasing groceries is difficult.

A few years ago, he started visiting a food pantry for groceries. At first, he was timid to visit a pantry. Having worked all his life, he never found himself in need. But now, the pantry provides him with healthy, nourishing groceries that align with his dietary needs so he can sustain a fulfilling life.  

“Prices keep going up and up and up. This pantry really helps,” Samuel says.