Susan Allen
Susan Allen
Food Donor Relations Specialist
Allen Avakyan
Order Selector
Faith Barbato
Faith Barbato
Director, Institutional Engagement
Colleen Benson
Colleen Benson
Vice President, Development
Chuck Berg
Chuck Berg
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Larechia Bishop
Order Selector
Mario Bob
Mario Bob
Lead Order Selector
Alex Branham
Alex Branham
Manager, Campaign and Corporate Engagement
Renaye Brauning
Renaye Brauning
Director, Finance
Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown
Pantry Supervisor
Da’Sean Burnett
Da’Sean Burnett
Pantry Coordinator
Janet Buza
Janet Buza
Business Analyst
Mark Cagwin
Mark Cagwin
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Lori Calabretta
Lori Calabretta
Guest Experience & Administrative Assistant
Katie Carver Reed
Katie Carver Reed
Vice President
Kalie Catterall
Kalie Catterall
Distribution Office Administrator
Marcie Blandford photo
Marcie Choong
Executive Assistant
Moneuc Conners
Moneuc Conners
Distribution Office Specialist
Carol Crabtree
Carol Crabtree
Vice President, Human Resources
Brooke Crisalli
Brooke Crisalli
Partner Relations Coordinator
Evahanna Cruz photo
Evahanna Cruz
Corporate Engagement Coordinator
Andre Davis
Andre Davis
Warehouse Supervisor
Michelle DeShon photo
Michelle DeShon
Institutional Giving Specialist
Laura Deubel
Laura Deubel
Distribution Office Manager
Jim Duckworth
Jim Duckworth
Food Acquisition and Logistics Coordinator
Jenn Dyer
Jenn Dyer
Vice President, Operations
Claudia Dzordzormenyoh photo
Claudia Dzordzormenyoh
Director, Network Partners & Programs
Andrew Ellenberger
Andrew Ellenberger
Warehouse & Facility Specialist
Becky Falck
Becky Falck
Development Data Manager
Scott Falen
Scott Falen
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Sharon Fennell
Warehouse Specialist
Dan Flowers
Dan Flowers
President & CEO
David Freggiaro photo
David Freggiaro
Partner Relations Coordinator
Juleah Gamble
Juleah Gamble
Donor Services Assistant
Raven Gayheart
Raven Gayheart
Director, Marketing & Public Relations
Leslie Genovese
Leslie Genovese
Director, Corporate Engagement
Sheila Grant
Sheila Grant
Volunteer and Guest Experience Champion
Debbie Hagarty
Debbie Hagarty
Gift and Estate Planning Officer
Keith Harsh
Keith Harsh
Market Place Associate
Howard Hill
Howard Hill
Order Selector
Mark Hunter
Mark Hunter
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Adam Jasso photo
Adam Jasso
Warehouse Specialist
Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones
Director, Development Operations
Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones
Network Partner Delivery Driver
Angie Kemper
Angie Kemper
Akron Warehouse Manager
Kim Klosterman
Volunteer Center Coordinator
Nathan Kreis
Nathan Kreis
Senior Manager, Network Partners
Tasha Ledrich
Tasha Ledrich
Volunteer and Guest Experience Supervisor
Terri Lessnau photo
Terri Lessnau
Senior Donor Relations Officer
Beth Lindsay
Beth Lindsay
Accounting Specialist
Randy Lipscomb
Randy Lipscomb
Donor Relations Officer
Jeremy Long photo
Jeremy Long
Shipping & Receiving Coordinator
Joe Marinelli
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Audra McClain
Audra McClain
Social Media & Communications Coordinator
Nanci McCollum
Nanci McCollum
Food Acquisition Executive
Neiva McKim
Neiva McKim
Programs Coordinator
Audrey McMillen
Audrey McMillen
Development Associate
Tim Michael
Tim Michael
Distribution Dock Lead
Mary Ann Mills
Mary Ann Mills
Manager, Strategic Programs
Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell
Food and Safety Operations Manager
Todd Mollenkopf
Todd Mollenkopf
I.T. Manager
Shaun Morgan photo
Shaun Morgan
Akron Volunteer Center Supervisor
John Nease
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Rich Osborne
Rich Osborne
Director, Food Acquisition and Logistics
David Paskiet
David Paskiet
Shipping and Receiving Supervisor
Matt Petrick
Matt Petrick
Director, Operations
Mallory Pilz
Mallory Pilz
Pantry Supervisor
Tim Rainey
Lead Order Selector
Paul Rondy
Paul Rondy
Facilities Maintenance Lead
Amanda Salmons photo
Amanda Salmons
AmeriCorps VISTA
Todd Schlereth
Todd Schlereth
Program Outreach Coordinator
Linda Schneider
Linda Schneider
Distribution Specialist
Samantha Shallenberger
Samantha Shallenberger
Volunteer Coordinator, Events & Systems
Suk Shanafelt
Suk Shanafelt
Warehouse Supervisor
Tom Shanower
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Karen Sheppard
Karen Sheppard
Office & Guest Experience Supervisor
Kenny Simpson photo
Kenny Simpson
Shipping & Receiving Coordinator
Joy Solter
Joy Solter
Data Entry Associate
Linda Steinhebel
Linda Steinhebel
Partnership Development Specialist
Valerie Bailey Stutler
Valerie Bailey Stutler
Donor Relations Officer
Jeff Summers photo
Jeff Summers
Canton Warehouse Manager
Mark Testa
Mark Testa
Donor Partnership Route Driver
Diane Thanasiu
Diane Thanasiu
Inventory Receipting Coordinator
Toni Truax photo
Toni Truax
Volunteer Center Coordinator
Terrie Vaughn photo
Terrie Vaughn
HR Business Partner
Laura Villwock
Laura Villwock
Manager, Volunteer & Donor Engagement
Tanae Walls
Tanae Walls
Warehouse Specialist
Katie Weber
Katie Weber
Marketing Specialist
Jeff White
Order Selector
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Tristan Wolf
Warehouse Organizer
Robert Woodson photo
Robert Woodson
Warehouse Specialist
Marisa Wren
Marisa Wren
Grant and Project Specialist