The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) reduces hunger and food insecurity for millions of children, seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, the unemployed and those working low wage jobs trying to make ends meet. SNAP lifts people out of poverty, improves nutrition and health, responds quickly in times of disaster or recession, supports local economies, and improves well-being. Yet, this extremely efficient program is often the first to be reviewed when Congress is considering cuts.
U.S. Representatives and Senators who serve on the Budget Committee are in the midst of a budget reconciliation process, which means they can reconsider spending priorities, and can potentially cut funding for programs such as SNAP and other nutrition programs that are critical to food insecure Americans. If this were to happen, charities would be overwhelmed and our country would see more hunger and poverty.
Anti-hunger advocates across the nation are joining forces to tell Congress not to take meals away from Americans struggling with hunger by making disastrous changes to SNAP. Take action now to tell Congress to protect food assistance programs that work.
Please take a moment to visit the Food Research and Action Center's (FRAC) website to sign their petition telling Congress you don't support a budget that will increase hunger in America. Add your voice to this important effort.
Thank you for taking the time to help protect programs like SNAP that are proven to reduce hunger!