Early Saturday morning, Dec. 20, more than 700 individuals and families celebrated the meaning of the holiday season at the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank for the second annual Selfless Elf 5K, part of the Subway Challenge Series.

The freezing temperatures didn’t deter the race participants who ran and walked the 3.1-mile course beginning and ending at the Foodbank. More than $44,000 was raised, the equivalent of 176,000 meals, that will be distributed to people struggling with hunger in the Foodbank’s eight county service area.

“This morning, our community reminded us why it’s the most wonderful time of the year,” said Dan Flowers, President & CEO of the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. “Hundreds of people truly came together and rallied around their Foodbank this morning. Thank you to the runners, families and sponsors who made this 5k run so successful!”

Upon registration participants were given striped elf socks, and they wore them proudly running the streets of downtown Akron. Santa’s favorite milk and cookies were available for runners along with pictures with Santa.

Special thank you to the event title partners TKM Print Solutions and Shearer’s.

Overall Race Results Age Group Race Results Event Photos