Strengthening and growing the infrastructure of our hunger-relief network is key to the Foodbank’s goal to close the Meal Gap by 2025. With the aim of making enough food available to everyone in need, the Foodbank is committed to sourcing enough product to meet the demand. This is no small task, but equally important is the need for more like-minded community organizations, churches, and non-profits, like you, to join the network. By growing the number of programs across our 8-county service area, together we will ensure there are enough places, days and times for individuals and families to access food easily. Whether it is adding a new activity to an existing program or encouraging a new organization to join the network, more is better. No single program can end hunger alone.
If you would like to recommend a potential new partner of the Foodbank or if your program is interested in brainstorming ideas of how we can partner together to serve your community, we want to hear from you! The Foodbank wants to hear your ideas and is interested in collaborating to meet our vision of a thriving community free of hunger. Please contact Gary Green ( or Linda Steinhebel ( to learn more.