What do I need to bring with me to a food distribution?

When you attend a food distribution, please bring your ID or driver’s license with you.

Can I come to the Foodbank directly to receive food assistance?

The Foodbank itself acts as a storage and distribution facility for food pantries and only distributes directly to the community at specific days/times throughout the month:

Venarge Family Food Pantry at 350 Opportunity Pkwy in Akron
  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 9am-1pm
Keith D. Monda Family Food Pantry at 1365 Cherry Ave NE in Canton
  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 9am-1pm

What type of food will be available?

The Foodbank does its due diligence to ensure a balanced variety of items to distribute among our hunger-relief partners. Each of our nearly 600 partners are responsible for ordering their order food from our menu they feel will best serve the needs of their community; therefore, we can’t guarantee any one pantry will have exactly what you may want/need for you or your family. Because of this, we provide the hunger-relief partners’ information on our website, including phone numbers, and encourage neighbors to call ahead if they are looking for something specific.

Why are so many pantries faith-based institutions? Must I be of the same faith?

You do not need to be of the same faith of any hunger-relief pantry. You are not required to attend a service or volunteer to receive food assistance. Much of the Foodbank’s hunger-relief network comprises of faith-based organizations because in order to be a network partner they must be a tax-exempt organization: Churches or 501C(3) Charitable Organizations.

Do I have to provide proof of dependents or income?

No. You are not required to provide proof of dependents or income. You will be asked to fill out and sign a form, typically electronic, stating that you are eligible to receive food based on your household size and income.

Why does the Foodbank need my information?

67% percent of the Foodbank’s food is State or USDA donated food. Federal and state regulate where the donated food is distributed to understand the needs of the communities being served. For example, if there is a rising increase in the number of families with small children being served, they may offer a program geared towards fighting hunger in families with small children. This information is tracked in hopes of better serving your community.

Can I pick up food for someone else?

You can pick up food on someone else’s behalf by acting as their proxy. If the person whom you wish to pick up food for fills out and signs the letter of proxy, you can pick up food on their behalf from a hunger-relief partner.

Am I eligible to receive food assistance?

July of each year the federal poverty line is adjusted to reflect the current state of poverty in the US. To be eligible to receive food assistance you must fall within the income eligibility guidelines updated each year. This eligibility depends on household size and income. 

How can I become enrolled in SNAP (food stamps) benefits?

To apply for SNAP food assistance benefits or for questions about SNAP Food assistance benefits, contact your local Department of Job and Family Services at the appropriate number below:

  • Carroll County: 330-627-2571
  • Holmes County: 330-674-1111
  • Medina County: 330-722-9300
  • Portage County: 330-297-3750
  • Stark County: 330-452-4661
  • Summit County: 844-640-6446
  • Tuscarawas County: 330-339-7791
  • Wayne County: 330-287-5800