Be an Advocate, Sign Up Today!

By signing up for the Foodbank's Advocacy Network, you'll receive Action Alerts via email notifying you of ways you can join the Foodbank in the fight against hunger.

Sign Up

Join the Fight Against Hunger

Contact your local elected officials

Contact your local elected officials and educate them about hunger in our community and 2023 Farm Bill priorities. Encourage Congress to support a strong 2023 Farm Bill that increases TEFAP funding and supports SNAP. Ask them to take action on legislation affecting hunger issues. Find contact information for your local, state and federal elected officials here.

Additional Ways You Can Help

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Help us spread the word

Create awareness among your family, friends and business colleagues about what the Foodbank is doing to fight hunger in our community.

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Participate in campaigns

Participate in campaigns and special events that bring attention to hunger in our community. View a list of upcoming events.

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Connect with the Foodbank

Connect with the Foodbank on the internet and share the updates with your friends. Follow us on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Watch our videos on YouTube.

Become a social media ambassador
Support the Foodbank on-the-go or from the comfort of your home!

A Social Media Ambassador is an individual dedicated to the Foodbank’s mission to feed people and fight hunger by creating awareness about local hunger relief via their personal social media accounts.

After signing up, Social Media Ambassadors will be emailed a custom toolkit with premade social media captions, graphics and profile photo frames. Each month, the most engaged ambassadors will be recognized on the Foodbank’s social media. Thank you for supporting local hunger relief!  


Create awareness about hunger in our region

Social Media Ambassador Responsibilities

1.) Follow the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.  

  • Facebook: @akroncantonfoodbank  
  • Instagram/Twitter: @acrfoodbank  
  • LinkedIn: @Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank  

2.) Share one or more Foodbank posts on your social media pages/stories per month or use the Foodbank’s premade social graphics and suggested captions in your toolkit. Remember to tag #ACRFBambassador!  

3.) Encourage your friends and family to follow the Foodbank on social media.  

4.) Comment on the Foodbank’s posts to show your support.